Hearing From Heaven - Jesus With Love

Am a Hindu by birth and this blog highlights my spiritual journey and love for Jesus Christ,Our Saviour.You will find thoughts of a born again Indian Mom on Jesus,Faith,Witnessing,Children,Work with underpriviledged kids,Deaf& Dumb,Marriage,Life,Food.....and above all LOVE!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Thank The Lord For The Oil Of His Spirit That Makes Everything Run Smoothly & Quietly Without Friction!

Hardly anything mechanical in this whole World can do without some kind of oil or lubrication. Where moving parts rub together, they create friction. Friction creates heat, & heat creates fire & fire causes parts of the machine to burn up, consume! But oil that's poured on squeaky parts of a mechanism that are complaining & howling & growling & groaning makes that part of the mechanism quiet & run smoothly without complaint!

Our spirits, like machinery, need cleaning & oiling--the washing of the pure water of the Word & the oiling of the Love & patience of the Holy Spirit! If we didn't have the Oil of the Holy Spirit we would get rusty & break down or overheat from friction, slow down or stop! Without proper maintenance & lubrication, there would soon be no useful motion & we'd be fit only for God's junk pile!

But thank God, the Oil of His Holy Spirit oils everything: Our heads, our hearts, our spirits, our tongues & even our feet so we'll go & preach the Gospel! He just pours in the Holy Spirit & just fills us from top to bottom & covers every part! Thank You Jesus! (Acts 2:17,18)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

God's Spirit Is Like A Broadcasting Station, Broadcasting All The Time. You Just Have To Learn How To Tune In!

Just like the radio waves which are unseen in the air all around you this very minute, God's Spirit is ever present, waiting for you to make contact. And much the same as a simple little transistor radio, you have been designed by your Creator to receive those signals. God's power is always on. The message is always there. But in order to receive it, you must turn on & tune in to His frequency!

Compared to the tremendous power & complex operations of the broadcasting station, you, the operator of the receiver, need not have much power & only the simplest of skill! Prayer is the hand of faith that flips the switch & turns on what little power you have. And then the hand of hope tunes with expectancy, feeling for the frequency upon which God is broadcasting, & suddenly His great broadcasting station booms in with tremendous positive volume & power!--And the messages come through loud & clear!

Is your spiritual receiver continually turned on & tuned in to His frequency? If so, you will be in good communication with Him, constantly receiving His vibes, constantly hearing His Voice speaking to your heart!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"Be Not Weary Nor Faint In Your Minds!"

It's a struggle to live!--It takes faith & courage & a lot of fight! The trouble with some of us is that we stop trying in trying times. Some people faint in their minds. They give up mentally & they give up spiritually!

But God says, "Men ought always to pray & not to faint.--Pray without ceasing!" (Lk.18:1; 1Thes.5:17) "Be not weary in well doing for in due season ye shall reap if you faint not." (Gal.6:9)

The will is powerful! "The spirit of a man sustaineth him; but a wounded spirit, who can bear?" (Pro.18:14) Strong faith with a strong will has many times overcome seemingly insurmountable handicaps!

When you're weak & incapable & insufficient, then God has a chance to be strong & capable & sufficient in you! So don't give up too soon, don't get rescued prematurely, don't quit just before the victory! Anything wonderful can happen in that little margin of time when you do not give up, but keep on believing & keep on praying!--And you'll never be sorry! You'll always be glad throughout all Eternity that you held on & kept on keeping on for Jesus!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Love Is More Than Righteousness, & Mercy Is Greater Than Justice

Love is the Law of Christ today! "For all the Law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (Gal.5:14)

Love is really stricter than the Law because it goes further than the Law. In the Mosaic Law there was virtually no forgiving & it was "an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth!" But Jesus said even if our brother offends us 70 times 7 times, & is sorry, we should forgive him! (Mat.5:38,39 & 18:21,22) Now everything must be done in His Love! We must have more mercy & more love than the Law!

The Old Law was only obeyed because they had to & they would only do as much as they were made to do, whereas love goes all the way! It'll go to the death & die for someone else to do the right thing. The Spirit of God in us will give us the power & the strength to love others more than we love ourselves!

This is what God's been working on all the time: To persuade us to do things through the right loving motivation, because we love Him & we love others. Therefore, we want to do what's right!--Do you?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Only One Sin Is Unpardonable: Resisting The Holy Ghost, Rejecting Jesus!

People do not have to go to Hell for sins & crimes committed in this life if they'll confess & repent of them & ask for Jesus' forgiveness. God's not so angry at the sinner for breaking the rules, since He knows the sinner is a sinner & can't keep the rules. But He is angry when they reject the free gift of His Love & Salvation. To have been shown the Love of God & resisted it, is the greatest sin. (Jn.3:19)

Any sin, any crime can be forgiven by the Lord except one. The only unpardonable sin, the only sin the Lord won't forgive & can't forgive is when you reject His Love & His Salvation through the wooing Love of His Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself said this sin shall not be forgiven, neither in this World nor in the World to come! (Mat.12:31,32)

The Devil tempts people to resist the Lord, saying, "Do as you please! You're the Captain of your soul, the master of your fate. Your head is bloody but unbowed!" That's the horrible picture of the sinner in defiance of God! How much better the beautiful picture of the saint, the yielded sinner on his knees saying, "Lord, be merciful unto me, a sinner!" (Lk.18:9-14)--Which are you?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

God Can Do Anything But Fail!

The difficult He does immediately, the impossible takes a little longer! So never give up, never take no for an answer, where there's a will there's a way, & nothing is too hard for the Lord. The Lord can do anything if you'll just give Him a chance.

We know, Lord, that You can do it, & we know You will do it if we'll believe & trust You! You always make a way, if we obey & do it Your way. If we do all we can do, Lord, we know that you'll do the rest, as much as possible. And if it even comes to the impossible, Lord, you're an expert at that. For with Thee nothing shall be impossible & all things are possible to those that believe. (Lk.1:37; Mk.9:23) So help us, Lord, to believe & do all we can, & trust You for the impossible! You can do anything but fail, & we'll never fail as long as we trust You, Jesus!

"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And He can do what no other friend can do!"

Friday, June 23, 2006

Faith Is The Title Deed

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb.11:1)

That word translated "substance" in our English Bibles was "hupostasis" in the original Greek, a word whose precise meaning wasn't understood until just a few years ago when British archaeologists uncovered the burned ruins of an old inn in Palestine. There they found a small iron chest containing the valuable papers of a Roman noblewoman who had been staying at the inn when it burned. She had apparently been traveling, checking up on her various land holdings in that area, because in this little chest they found most of the papers labeled with a big title "hupostasis".--They were the title deeds to her properties!

"Now faith is the title deed of things hoped for!" Perhaps that woman had never even seen her properties before, as she'd bought the title deeds in Rome, but because she had the title deeds in her hand she knew they were hers & could prove ownership! If you've got faith, even though you haven't seen the answer yet, you have the title deed to it! It's yours! Your name is written on it & you will see it eventually. The title deed is in your hands! It is done!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Name Of The Game Is Faith & Trust

The Lord loves to see if you've got real faith & you're going to trust Him no matter what. Sometimes our faith can be tested right to the brink, to the edge, even to death to show that it's real faith! That's the faith you've got to have if you're really going to make it. You've got to be willing to trust the Lord, live or die, sink or swim!--Like Job! Job finally made it, & it's one of the most glorious testimonies in the whole Bible of suffering & defeat & discouragement & yet a faith that carried him through. That's the greatest victory of all, when you seem to be defeated & you still trust the Lord.

That must be the greatest & the most pleasing thing to God, that even when it looks like you're defeated, you still trust Him anyhow, like Job. The Lord must really be pleased with that kind of faith.--Faith in the face of disaster, faith in the face of agony, faith in the face of death! (Heb.11:6; 1Jn.5:4)

He loves to watch you make it in spite of all the tests & trials. He loves to watch you win, win the race, endure the affliction & the battle & fight through & win! So, God bless & keep you trusting!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What's The Good News?--"God Is Love!"

All you need in order to share God's Love with others is a simple faith in a simple Salvation & a simple Gospel for simple people to simply believe & receive & be saved.--The Good News of the Love of God summed up so simply in that beautiful verse: "For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." (Jn.3:16)

If you can help them to understand each part of that verse, that's all you really need! "For God so loved the World"--Who is God?--He's the Spirit of Love! Are they part of the World? Put their name in there. "For God so loved you...that He gave His only begotten Son".--Who's that?--Jesus! "That whosoever believeth in Him"--Do they believe in & know Jesus? Then they "shall not perish", won't go to Hell, "but have everlasting life".

John 3:16 is all you really need in order to tell people that God loves them! That's all you need to preach the Gospel! That's all the education you need to go & win the lost. That's all the preparation you need to be a missionary! Simply go out where the lost are to be found & give them His Love & His Good News of Salvation in Jesus!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Jesus Is The Door!

Have you passed through the beautiful open gate of Salvation, Jesus, into the whole new Heavenly World of new life in Him? You can! It's so wonderful!--Like passing from darkness into light, from death into life through God's Love, mercy & Salvation in Jesus!

Jesus called Himself the Door! (Jn.10:7,9) He said, "Behold! I am the Door you have to get through to get into My Father's House. There isn't any other entrance you can go through to get in but by Me!"--There's no other Door than Jesus Christ Himself!

Jesus is an open Door.--Not a locked Door, not even a shut Door. You don't even have to be able to reach the doorknob! The Door is already wide open by Jesus & all you have to do is see the Door, believe it is open for you & walk through it by faith, receive Jesus, & you're saved!--You've entered the Heavenly sphere of Salvation, Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of God, just by walking through that open Door!

All you have to do is receive Jesus Christ as the Son of God! Then He knows you & you know Him. And every time you come to His Door it will be standing wide open. He'll say, "Welcome, come in! I love you!"

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Pride's Fear Of Failure & Refusal Often Prevents Us From Reaching Out To Love Others

The truly loving are truly humble, & the truly humble are truly loving! You've got to admit, an integral part of love is humility! It takes humility to be affectionate & to receive affection. If you want to really fall in love & accept real love, you have to be humble enough to forsake your pride & receive it! Because humility & love are totally inseparable. You cannot have love, real love, & not be humble, & you cannot have genuine humility without a lot of love! You cannot be proud & have real love!--And you cannot have real love & be proud! Real love has to be very humble!

This is true even of our relationship with the Lord! Once we have learned that God really loves us & Jesus died for us & that He cares for us, we have to yield & humble ourselves to receive the Lord's Love. It's a humbling thing!

But there's perfect rest in humility, because humility has love & faith without fear. (1Jn.4:18) Love doesn't care what other people think, it just loves in spite of what they think! So be humble!--And Love! (1Pet.4:8)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

"The Blood Of Jesus Christ His Son Cleanseth Us From All Sin!"

Moses said that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. (Lev.17:11) That was the Law, but Jesus said, "This is the New Testament in my blood!" (1Cor.11:25)

Jesus died on God's altar, the cross, believed upon by every Christian, trusted by every son & daughter of God who believes in Jesus Christ for their Salvation & in His blood shed for their sins. He was the final ultimate sacrifice for sin. He was the final ultimate Lamb of God slain for the remission of your sins. He took the punishment of your sins in His Own body on that tree, the cross, & that was the last sacrifice of blood for sin as far as God was concerned! It cost a priceless gift for you to get saved, & that was Jesus & His blood! That's the highest-priced gift anybody could ever receive, the highest cost anybody could pay for your Salvation, & only Jesus could do it! No matter how much you sacrifice & try to pay for it by your own works, the price is too high for you!--Only Jesus could pay it! God Himself spared not His Own Son, Jesus Christ, but let Him die on the cross in order that He could freely give us all things!--Such love! (Rom.8:32)

Friday, June 16, 2006

You Can't Take Your Money With You When You Die!--But You Can Send It On Ahead!

When it comes to God & His Work, it's good business to give to the Lord! It's a good investment, earning the highest possible rate of interest & dividends of anything you can possibly invest in, because He has promised you 100-fold in this life, & in the World to come, life eternal! (Mk.10:30)

The richest people in God's Kingdom are going to be those who shared the most with Him & His. But there is also the other side of the coin, as illustrated by the well-known tale about the rich woman being led to her Heavenly Home by an Angel. They walked past many beautiful mansions where other Christians were living, until finally they got to a poor section of shanties, & the Angel led her through the gate into the yard of a tiny hut. "What's the big idea?" she said, "I'm used to very fine living!" "Well," the Angel answered, "our abodes up here are built of what each person sends on before, & this is all you sent!"--Whereas others had sacrificed & lived their whole lives for the Lord & helped many others, & great was their reward in Heaven! (Lk.6:35) Are you investing in God's Service & in His Kingdom by giving to the Lord?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

You Can Pray All The Time!

You don't have to be down on your hands & knees praying frantically to be heard. Prayer is something you're doing all the time no matter what else you're doing.--It's like thinking on your feet! You can be anointed & Spirit-led in anything you do! If you're thinking & praying about what you're doing & asking the Lord for wisdom, He can inspire you! His Word says, "Pray without ceasing!" (1Thes.5:17)

Ask the Lord about everything before you do it. Make sure that's what He wants you to do. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him & He shall direct thy paths." (Pro.3:6) Stopping your activity & asking the Lord for His help shows your reliance on Him & brings a hush to your spirit.

The Lord wants to be recognized, He wants you to know that you need Him. Lots of things can happen that are totally beyond your control, but not the Lord's! So keep close to the Lord, always praying & claiming His protection, always asking the Lord to bless, keep & protect you, & He will.

Keep us close to You, Lord, & help us to stay in Thy Will & obedient, following moment by moment. Every moment keep our hearts right with You, Jesus, our motives right, our will right, & everything right with You. Thank You Jesus!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Let's Get Back To The Garden Of Eden

There is only one way that you can regain the freedom that Adam & Eve had in the Garden, & that is to find God & His Truth! We already have Paradise restored in our hearts, those of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Savior & our King. He has forgiven us of our sins & brought us peace & love & happiness that we never knew before. We already have the Garden of Eden in our hearts!

Would you like to live in this Garden of Eden?--To enjoy Paradise, freedom & all the wonderful things & pleasures that God has given us to enjoy, His whole Creation? Well, you can, just by letting Jesus into your heart. He's the One Who made the Garden of Eden! Take Him into your heart & you'll be there, because you'll have Jesus in your heart! And He'll make your heart a Garden of God's Love! There it will always be daytime & sunshine, & you'll be made clean & sinless, pure & perfect in God's sight!

And once you've found the Paradise of God, you'll want to lead others there also, that they too might experience its joys!--And you can! You can bring Eden into every heart that will receive Jesus if you'll tell them about Him, & if they'll ask Him in!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Take Him At His Word!

We're supposed to believe the Word simply because God said so! The Lord wants us to have faith in His Word & not always have to have a sign. The Word is all the sign we need!

Why does God insist we have to believe in something we cannot see & cannot feel, purely by faith in His Word, trusting Him just like a little child has to trust a parent? It's because the Lord loves faith! He loves us because we believe Him, just because He said so! It's a way of showing our love & our confidence in Him. Faith really shows that we have love.--"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Heb.11:6)

It's just like a child has to trust a parent even though he doesn't always understand why he must do or must not do this or that. He just has to "do it because Daddy says so!" It's a form of love that the child trusts his parents & has confidence in them & takes their word for it.--And that's the way we have to do with the Lord. We should just say to Him, "Yes, Sir!"--And believe it & do it simply because He said so! Trust Him! Take Him at His Word!

Monday, June 12, 2006

There's Power In His Name!

Some people ask, "Why can't you just leave Jesus out of it? Why do you have to use that Name?--Why can't you just say God, & speak of God's Love & do it all in God's name?"--Well, these are God's conditions, not ours!

Jesus is the One you have to approach God through. He's our Intercessor, our High Priest. (1Tim.2:5) Jesus is the only One who ever rose from the dead & can give you power to do the same! The Bible says, "Neither is there Salvation in any other Name!" (Acts 4:12) We're to pray in His Name, heal in His Name, cast out devils in His Name, baptize in His Name, preach His Name! Without that Name there is no power! Everything we have in is Jesus' name! "Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name," Jesus said, "He will give it you!" (John 16:23) Expect miracles, & in Jesus' name you'll get them!

Look how much emphasis the early disciples in the Book of Acts put on the Name of Jesus! That's all they preached & talked about--Jesus! And that's the Name they did all those miracles in--Jesus! And that's the Name they won the World in--Jesus! And that's the only Name we'll win it in too--Jesus! It's Jesus that counts!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

"In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him!"

We have got to stay close to the Lord & follow Him & make sure we're in His Will. We can't even do things that look like they're good & reasonable & common sense unless we're sure it's God's Will! If we're leaning to our own understanding & forgetting to acknowledge the Lord or listen to the voice of His Spirit to lead & guide us every moment, then we're apt to fall into one of the Devil's traps, & it's dangerous! We can't guard ourselves from everything, but we can just stay so close to the Lord that He will see to it that there's not a moment that's unguarded!

Resting on the arm of the flesh & natural reasoning is a dangerous thing! (Jer.17:5) Without Jesus we're nothing! Jesus said, "Without Me ye can do nothing!" (Jn.15:5)--Nothing good! So Lord, help us to be so in the Spirit that we are sensitive to Thy voice & we hear it & we know Thy Will & we hear Thy Word so that we can follow & obey You.

"For thou shalt hear a voice behind thee saying, 'This is the way, walk ye in it.'" (Isa.30:21) Help us, Lord, to mind Thy voice, even though it may seem unreasonable & we may wonder why we should not do as usual. If we have any check at all, Lord, help us to mind it, knowing that you know why!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Everything God Has Created Is Both For Our Pleasure & For Our Good

God made all the greatest necessities of life very pleasurable--breathing, eating, sleeping, exercising & sex. "Thou hast created all things, & for Thy pleasure they are & were created." (Rev.4:11) God created us to enjoy all these things. He created the very nerves which feel good & the senses which feel pleasant. He gifted us to be able to look upon things which are pleasing to the eye, to taste things which are delicious, to hear beautiful music, to feel pleasurable sensations of touch & to smell the lovely fragrance of a flower.

Pleasure is God-created for our good! But some people have been taught that all pleasure is sinful & wicked, & that they shouldn't be happy, & they shouldn't have pleasure. But the only connotation in which the Bible mentions pleasure as being wrong is where it is put before Godliness, before the Lord & obedience to His Word.

Just remember, the greatest happiness comes not in your personal pursuit of pleasure & satisfaction, but in finding God & giving His life to others & bringing them happiness! Be sure you put God first, & then you can have all this & Heaven too! (See Psa.37:4; Mat.6:33.)

Friday, June 09, 2006

It Is Impossible To Have Faith Unless You Have The Word!

If you're weak in faith it's because you're weak in the Word! The best cure of doubts is the Word! The Bible says, "Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God!" (Rom.10:17)--That's the law of faith. So if you feel like, "Oh, my God, I just don't have enough faith!"--it's because you don't have the Word.--Because faith comes from the Word! Faith comes, it grows by hearing the Word of God. It's not a sudden boom. It is something that is built by faithful study of God's Word.

He even gives you faith to believe His Word. He is the "Author & Finisher of our faith." (Heb.12:2) Faith isn't something you work up, muster up or polish up by your own efforts & strength! Accepting faith through His Word is a work of God's grace. The only thing you have to do is receive it.

So please do not neglect His Word! It is food for your soul & gives you strength for the battle! It is His Word by His Spirit in His Love that makes you strong! Lord help us to stay in the Word of God, grounded in the Word of God. It's the Word that will increase your faith. Faith is built on the Word! So read it prayerfully & ask God to increase your faith, & He will!--He never fails! He'll always answer the hungry heart! God bless you & help you to find faith!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Let Us Not Be Weary In Well Doing, For In Due Season We Shall Reap, If We Faint Not."

Sometimes we don't mind beginning a good work, but when we see what the final cost is going to be, we don't want to complete it! But we just need to remind ourselves that the greatest men & women of God who've accomplished anything at all that the World has heard about were those who stuck to their jobs through thick & thin! There's just no limit to what God can do through us also if we'll just be faithful & stick to it!

Well begun is half done, but if we don't finish it, nothing will be done! We might as well have not begun it at all than leave a task unfinished. We cannot begin a job for the Lord unless we finish it, or the whole thing will be a failure! It would have been better if you had never started! The Lord said we'd better sit down & count the cost first before we start, so that we're either able to finish the building or win the war, or we shouldn't even start it! (Lk.14:28)

Help us, Lord, to remember that it's You Who has begun a good work in us, & you shall complete it till the end! (Phi.1:6)--And help us to stick to the tasks You have given us, until they're finished or You tell us it's time to go!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Are You Willing To Be Made Willing?

God uses whatever is available, like you & me when we're available. He doesn't create Saints out of thin air, He creates them out of flesh-&-blood, & normal people like you & me who love the Lord & will let Him use us.

Most of the greatest saints the World has ever known were little people who just did what they thought should be done--whether others ever heard about it or not! But they were always there when they were needed, always willing to see the need & respond. If we have real love for the Lord & others, we'll do whatever needs to be done! It all depends upon our yieldedness & willingness to be made willing. It depends on our humility, which is synonymous with love, which is the only thing that can make us willing to go anywhere, anytime, to do anything, for anybody, & be nobody, to please Him & help everybody! (Rom.12:1; Phi.2:3,4)

"Only to be what he wants me to be,
Every moment of every day!
Yielded completely to Jesus the Lord,
Every step on life's pilgrim way!
Just to be clay in the Potter's hands,
Just to obey what His Will commands!
Only to be what He wants me to be,
Every moment of every day!"

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Our Spirits Are Contagious!

Others around us will partake & be influenced by our spirits & our attitudes. If we are peaceful & trusting & patient & restful, full of faith, this is the way they will also react. This is why it's so important that we dwell on the positive, not the negative! Talk about the good things! (Phi.4:8) Be encouraging, loving, faithful & cheerful! Love begets love! It's wonderful what even a little smile can do, what a little love will do, even without a word. A little real love goes a long, long way!

Everybody has influence! One person walking in love will encourage others to do likewise! If you show love, others will catch the same spirit. It's such a catching thing--the Love of Christ in action! And it spreads from heart to heart. So God help us to influence others the right way!

If we live enough with God, like Moses did, a little of God will rub off on us too & we'll be happy & our faces will shine with joy & the Spirit of the Lord! (See Exo.34:29-34; Num.6:25,26.) That's the secret, it's the Spirit of the Lord! And if we shine forth with enough love, others will reflect it!

Monday, June 05, 2006

What He's Done For Others, He Can Do For You!

All through the Bible the Lord miraculously empowered & protected His prophets & apostles.--And the same miracles of power & protection that occurred back in Bible times can happen now! "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today & forever!" (Heb.13:8) If Jesus could do those miracles in His day & the Apostles', then He should still be doing them today! God is still the God of miracles, & what He's done before He can do again!--In fact, Jesus said, "The works that I do, shall ye do also.--And even greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto My Father." (Jn.14:12)

Jesus also said, "All power is given unto Me in Heaven & in Earth!" (Mat.28:18) So if you have Jesus, you've got all that power! God has not only promised all this power, but He's promised it for right now if you need it & have faith for it! He has promised it for ages & it's been done before! You're not only going to be able to do miracles in the future but you can do them now if you believe God's promises!

"It is no secret what God can do!
What He's done for others, He'll do for you!
With arms wide open, He'll carry you through!
It is no secret what God can do!"

Think how much good you can do in His Name! Are you exercising your power?--The power of Jesus' name?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Why Does So Much Of The World Refuse To Believe In God?--Because They Choose To Be Ignorant!

Do you know what God's greatest credentials are, the genuine proof of His authority? His glorious creation is a constant testimony of His existence, as the Bible says, "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the World are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (His Creation), even His eternal power & Godhead; so that they are without excuse!" (Romans 1:20)

Although the whole Creation testifies of the existence of the invisible God, the World refuses to receive the testimony, because they're in rebellion against God! They don't want to know Him & they don't want to confess that He exists, because if they recognize Him, then they have to admit that they owe Him some kind of obeisance & obedience. If the World & its inhabitants are God's Creation, then they're His property.--And if they're His property, then He's got the right to be Boss, not them!

Those who refuse to see God in His Creation are like the farmer the first time he saw a giraffe, who said, "There just ain't no such thing!"--But just because they won't believe it doesn't make it not so!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Lord Really Leaves A Lot Up To Us & Our Concern & Prayer!

You'd be surprised how much God depends on our prayers, how concerned we are & how interested we are. When we are faced with a needy situation, He wants us to show concern & pray specifically about it. If we really believe, every prayer is heard & answered. But if we don't pray, it is not done! God can do anything, but He puts the responsibility of prayer on us!

The very intensity with which we pray & really mean it or desire it is reflected in the answer! The recipients of our prayers are not going to receive any more than we send. We have to visualize the people or situations we're praying for & pray with that thought on our heart, asking the Lord specifically for what we want Him to do.--And then our prayer will reflect or be answered with the same intensity as it originated. Like a beam of light focused on a mirror, it will bounce back with as much power as it began with. If we only pray with half a heart we only get half an answer. But if we pray with our whole heart, we get a whole-hearted strong answer!

Are you using prayer power?--Heaven will reveal what good we have done--or could have done--through prayer!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Jesus Is The Prince Of Peace!--Only Through Him Can We Have Peace!

Regardless of this strife-torn World & all of its confusion, the Lord says, "Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee," & "perfect love casts out all fear." (Isa.26:3; 1Jn.4:18) Even if there's war & turmoil & confusion & chaos on the outside, you can have peace on the inside, in your own heart through the Prince of Peace--Jesus Christ!

To be reconciled with God means to make peace with God.--And what is the only way you can make peace & be reconciled with God? There's only one way, & that's through Jesus! He's the One Who's made peace between us & the Father, through His blood. God won't accept any other terms of peace, just the blood of Jesus! The only Salvation is in Christ, the only peace is in the Prince of Peace, & the only truth is in the Word of God!

Make sure that you are the Lord's, & He'll give you peace of mind, satisfaction of heart & love & happiness here & now--& Heaven too! Then you'll be ready for any calamity!--Knowing that no matter what happens, He'll take care of you!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Lord Wants You To Grow Into The Full Stature Of A Full-Grown Mature Christian!

Once we're saved & born again, we're just like children spiritually.--And every day a child has to eat & exercise a little more in order to grow a little more! But a lot of Christians stop growing when they are only a few years old & they never grow up, never mature! They think they've learned so much they don't have to learn any more & they never grow into the kind of mature Christians that the Lord wants each of us to be!--Real soldiers who are able to carry a lot of responsibility & make sacrifices!

God's Word says that even Jesus "learned obedience through the things which He suffered" & "He grew in stature & in wisdom & in favor with God & Man." (Heb.5:8; Lk.2:52) Every day we learn some new obedience.--And although some things get harder, others get easier--like growing up!--And that's what it's all about!

Spiritual maturity is not a matter of years or time, it's just a matter of your connection with the Lord & His Word & your obedience & your humility. A child becomes an adult when he learns to sacrifice for others & to share & help others!--That's maturity in the Lord's eyes!