Hearing From Heaven - Jesus With Love

Am a Hindu by birth and this blog highlights my spiritual journey and love for Jesus Christ,Our Saviour.You will find thoughts of a born again Indian Mom on Jesus,Faith,Witnessing,Children,Work with underpriviledged kids,Deaf& Dumb,Marriage,Life,Food.....and above all LOVE!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Beware Lest You Be Led Away From The Simplicity Of The Gospel!"

The first temptation of Man by the Devil was something to make Man supposedly wise!--Knowledge! (Gen.3:1-6) Likewise today, many books are written with the demonic Satanic wisdom of the Devil himself!--Cunningly devised to deceive & lead you astray, to pervert, warp & twist you spiritually to where you don't know what is true!

"God is not the author of confusion!" (1Cor.14:33) He likes things very simple. That's why it's wonderful to have the Bible as a guide. Then you know what's perverted & what's normal, what's right & what's wrong. But "the wisdom of this World is foolishness to God!" (1Cor.3:19)--And you cannot fill your mind & heart with Worldly wisdom, the foolishness of Man, without it affecting your spirit.--Just like you can't wade through the garbage & the gutter without getting besmirched. (See Col.2:8.)

Why waste time on complicated confused theories & thoughts of Man when the Bible is right there, so simple & direct & to the point?--Stick to the refreshing Water of the Word that feeds your soul, renews your mind, lifts your spirit, encourages your heart & purifies your whole being! Amen?


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