Hearing From Heaven - Jesus With Love

Am a Hindu by birth and this blog highlights my spiritual journey and love for Jesus Christ,Our Saviour.You will find thoughts of a born again Indian Mom on Jesus,Faith,Witnessing,Children,Work with underpriviledged kids,Deaf& Dumb,Marriage,Life,Food.....and above all LOVE!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Marriage is being there for the other in bad times as well as the good.Married love stands through thick and thin,no matter how hot the trial or how hard the test.Married love never loses hope.It's always there,always dependable,always ready with outstretched hands and open arms to take the other in-to love,to comfort,to hold and to cherish.Marriage is learning to let the little things pass.
Marriage is communicating honestly and openly.It's being willing to humbly share your heart and deepest thoughts.Marriage is talking,praying,discussing,and agreeing together.Marriage does not let things build up between you by ignoring the other,but rather finds a way;it creates solutions.Marriage is joining hand in hand,heart to heart.
Marriage is discovery.It's discovering each other,learning about each other and all the funny things you do and say.Marriage is a good sense of humor.It's relaxing together,enjoying each other.
Marriage is respect.Marriage is having faith in each other.Marriage is accepting another for what they are.Marriage is coming to the realization that you are not complete without the other half.
Marriage can be the most satisfying and strengthening experience you will ever have.


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