Hearing From Heaven - Jesus With Love

Am a Hindu by birth and this blog highlights my spiritual journey and love for Jesus Christ,Our Saviour.You will find thoughts of a born again Indian Mom on Jesus,Faith,Witnessing,Children,Work with underpriviledged kids,Deaf& Dumb,Marriage,Life,Food.....and above all LOVE!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Why Does God Allow Evil to happen in the World?

The whole idea of Creation is the struggle between good & evil, & to show the difference. If there was no darkness, we wouldn't appreciate the light. If we didn't have the Devil, we wouldn't appreciate God & Jesus! There has to be evil in order to understand good. There has to be the opposite side of the coin to show the difference.

The Lord had to let Adam & Eve fall in the Garden & let them eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, so they would know the difference. They had all the good, but they may not have understood what good was, & how good it was, because they didn't have anything to compare it with, it was all good. They never really appreciated the Garden until they lost it.

There has to be a little evil & a little bad to make you appreciate the good things. If you didn't have a few troubles you wouldn't thank the Lord for all the good things! If you didn't have problems, you wouldn't appreciate the solutions. He allows the bad or the evil to show you that you never had it so good, & to help you be more thankful for when things are good, & to help you appreciate Himself--the Good of all goods!


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