Hearing From Heaven - Jesus With Love

Am a Hindu by birth and this blog highlights my spiritual journey and love for Jesus Christ,Our Saviour.You will find thoughts of a born again Indian Mom on Jesus,Faith,Witnessing,Children,Work with underpriviledged kids,Deaf& Dumb,Marriage,Life,Food.....and above all LOVE!

Monday, March 20, 2006

How Much Better To Die For Something Than To Live For Nothing!

Whatever this life & this World have to offer, it's only for a little while! But Salvation, souls, children & service for the Lord are forever, they are eternal! "For this World passes away & the fashion thereof, but he that doeth the Will of God abideth forever! For the things which are seen are temporal--just for a little time--& the things which are not seen are eternal!" (1Jn.2:17; 2Cor.4:18)

Moses "had respect unto the recompense of the reward". He looked beyond today & its trials because he saw Jesus & had an eye on Eternity & its great rewards. "For he counted the riches of Christ greater than all the riches of Egypt!" (Heb.11:26)--The greatest, most powerful & richest nation on Earth in that day, of which he could have been Pharaoh. He counted the riches of Christ far greater than all the riches of this whole World combined!

If we pay the same price & make the same sacrifices, we, too, can look forward to eternal rewards & everlasting glory! By giving our all to the Lord we are going to receive so much more.--What a small price to pay for all we're getting in return!


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